Denby Village Conservation Group
Denby Village Hall & Church
Nowadays fewer people use the church as a place of worship but the church is still important to the people of the village. It is hoped that the building can be preserved and become a vibrant hub of community life for everyone, whether they attend services on a Sunday or not.
To this end ‘The Village Hall Project’ seeks to transform the church into a useable space for a variety of activities. Whilst remaining a place of worship, the vision is that this beautiful old building will become a multi-purpose venue that can be enjoyed by the wider community and used by clubs and societies, for events, social gatherings etc.
The second phase of the project was to modernise the interior, in order to attract regular bookings for the Village Hall. Thanks to a 'National Lottery Awards for All' grant of £10,000 this is now a reality.
A new kitchen has been installed, featuring an electric oven, induction hob and dishwasher, with the area that used to be the kitchen now housing new toilets. This phase of the project was undertaken in 2020 during the 2nd lockdown and completed just in time for our December Christmas Market.

The National Lottery had already given us £9,233 towards the cost of new heating the year before and so we are doubly grateful for their help.
St John's Church Denby is also pleased to say that the Allchurches Trust Ltd have given a very welcome grant of £2,250 to our ongoing project to multi-purpose our Church to encompass a community space.
Unfortunately our fund raising activities have not taken place as planned owing to current circumstances; so it is a very welcome boost to receive funding from these wonderful organisations.
Further information can be found on the village hall website